Alzheimer’s disease


Our Treatments



Homoeopathy can help contain Alzheimer’s disease.

The path breaking developments in Medicine and Surgery have definitely led to longer life-spans. At the same time, diseases of the aged have increased due to the rise in the elderly population. One such disease, which can start as forgetfulness can rapidly progress to a stage where normal tasks of thinking get derailed. It can also be physically debilitating, confining one to the bed. For a growing population like ours, it is imperative that we have better knowledge about it.

Alzheimer’s disease affects that part of the brain which controls thought, memory and language. This part of the nervous system consists of millions of nerve cells which communicate with each other at the junction called the Synapse where there is an exchange of chemicals. But in this disease, there is a formation of clumps which cease to function.

This disease usually occurs after the age of 60 but its progression varies in pace and can take seven to 20 years to fully establish itself. Genetics also plays a role: if previous generation was affected with the disease, the progeny would be more prone to it.

To start with, it could be like any other symptom of old age i.e. to forget keys or the whereabouts of books placed at home. But the number of times it happens in a day seems to be more noticeable to others at home. More so, it is the memory of recent things which is affected and they retain all the old memories of decades ago . As the disease progresses, they find it difficult to communicate as they tend to forget commonly used words and keep searching for them. It would not be surprising that they start talking in words which were never there. This makes it difficult for them to attend to routine tasks . They lose their sense of time and place and might start getting ready in the middle of the night to go home even when they are in the confines of their own house. Mood swings take over as they get happy and sad without an apparent reason. They get irritated and brood at trifles like the slightest noise; light make them agitated. The familiarity of their surroundings can’t be disturbed as they cannot gel well somewhere away from there.

Probably, when the disease progresses further, on the physical body that it becomes a strain for the family members. Lethargy becomes overwhelming and they despise even moving out of bed to brush their teeth, have a bath and get going for the day. They shy away from errands which they have always been used to. They inordinately become suspicious about their own family members and feel that their freedom is being curtailed.

Even more disturbing part of the disease is when they have difficulty in speech, swallowing, control over bowel and bladder habits.

The treatment of this disease is a challenge to any system of medicine. Efforts are on to see that there is slowdown or cessation of loss of intellect, even to alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life during every phase of the disease. The ray of hope is that symptoms mimicking this disease like Dementia or acute and temporary phase of Hypothyroidism, albeit in lesser intensity, are managed better by medicine today. Alumina helps when lethargy is more intense and the affected lose the sense of time. Bryta Carb has been known to work on the circulatory system; maintained perfusion to the brain can be helpful. Since depleted circulation contributes to progression of Alzheimer’s, Gingko Biloba is prescribed to improve the same. Hyoscyamus helps symptomatically to keep the suspicious nature of the patients in check while Phosphorus keeps the undue fear and anxiety away.

More than anything, these patients needs love and affection and proper communication with patience, good humour and innovation from their family members.

Dr.Venugopal Gouri
92463 72625 (mobile)