Social anxiety

Our Treatments



Homoeo call Don’t break into a sweat before socialising with new people. Instead, fight social phobia.


If you have an overwhelming fear at the thought of having to socialise with new people, or if you are wary that they may say something embarrassing that you get anxious to the extent of getting palpitation and sweating, perhaps you suffer from social phobia.

A feeling of self-consciousness, nervousness or a dislike towards attending a social function is not unusual but if there is a miserable feeling before, during and after a get-together, it needs to be addressed.

If a person has the problem of speaking or performing in public and their anxiety pertains only to the area of his work, it is called specific social anxiety or performance anxiety.

If the fear extends to common social situations such as eating, ordering food in public, seeking help, meeting new people, speaking to strangers or even using public facilities such as restrooms and you are disturbed in your studies, interviews or pursuing a job it is called generalized social anxiety.

Blushing, trembling, sweating, nausea, dry mouth, shaky voice and a racing heart indicate anxiety. This sense of discomfort is not a matter of ease for the people around and it is interpreted as rejection and further causes social withdrawal. Further, such individuals can develop an “anticipatory anxiety” in which they develop a sense of fear much before the event. Lack of social skills and experience may worsen the matter further and it could develop into a panic attack.

If one has gone through a humiliating and embarrassing situation in the past they are more likely to go into the shell and develop such a symptom.
If they have seen someone being humiliated too they can develop such a predicament. Over sheltered children may not develop adequate social skills, which can lead to this condition.

To improve self-esteem, social skills are the need of the hour. A counsellor can also help in guiding the person’s thoughts in the rational direction so that they react differently when they face the same situation. The good part of this disorder is the fact that the person realises that the fear is unreasonable though it is a different matter that he cannot control it. That is also the reason why he can be counselled.

Homoeopathic medicine has good remedies like Arg. Nit which helps in keeping at bay the undue anxiety which is inappropriate to the situation. Gelsemium can be used when there is an associated weakness etc. Ignatia helps when depression accompanies the problem. If mood swings and suspicion are also noticed then Hyoscyamus and Lachesis have known to help. Natrum maur and Kali phos help as mood stabilisers. To help the person react better in the same situations, behaviour therapy and homoeopathic medicines work hand in hand.


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