Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Our Treatments



Your child's inattention could be a symptom for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Read on for remedies.


Attention Deficit is one of those difficult- to-diagnose developmental disabilities which, once done, has a way to help the children come back to near normalcy. It starts in pre-school children and is more evident in pre-primary school when the child's inability gets more focussed.

The predominant cause is genetic and parents need not suffer from low self-esteem, as it is not their bringing up. It is a vicious cycle as the parents suffer due to the unexpected responsibility of bringing up such children and they get depressed leading to marital conflict, separation, and increased alcohol consumption, which in turn leaves the child untended to. It is a disorder, which is characterised by predominantly three symptoms Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsiveness.

Inattention: The child can be easily distracted from his effort, and seldom has the patience in activities involving mental effort like putting a jumble together and doing the homework with sustained attention. They tend to do things carelessly and forget tools needed for the task like pencils, books or even toys if they are not interested, and like to jump from one incomplete activity to another.

Hyperactivity: Restlessness is their prime feature with inability to stay put at one place. They seem to be on the "go" all the time squirming in the chair, knocking things and, sometimes, purposeless repetitive activity. It is also difficult to distract them from activities like tearing paper, etc. Sitting still in a class is an arduous task, and dinner is in bits and pieces.

Impulsiveness: These children act even before thinking and interrupt other children. , They are more aggressive, disruptive, domineering, intrusive and noisy. They tend to get irritated and frustrated easily, and are prone to throwing tantrums. They are also careless at handling objects and toys, and tidiness is not a concern at all.

One may see that all the above symptoms appear in normal children too. If the symptoms are continuous and pervasive, not temporary, and last for more than six months, and if they encroach on the normal development of the child and his activities, etc., an examination of his behaviour by a psychologist can help diagnose it as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.


A comprehensive programme of psychological, educational, social measures involving the affected, family members, and teachers is done. Behavioural techniques are taught to adults to help reinforce appropriate behaviour and paying attention. Finally, drug treatment with stimulants like methylphenidate, etc., or any complementary medicine like homoeopathy would help inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. If the child is slow and inattentive, Baryta carb and Calc carb would improve him, if he were unable to fix his concentration, give him Medorrhinum and Silicea, and if the child is distracted easily, Phosphorus, Tuberculinum and Helleborus would help. Restlessness and hyperactivity are tempered down by Cina and Chamomilla, while Hyoscyamus and Stramonium help correct the impulsiveness.


The moment my nine-year-old son has an ice cream or a cool drink he develops pain in the throat with fever, diagnosed as tonsillitis.


Baryta Carb 30c taken three times a day for five days and repeated after a month will relieve his tendency for recurrent attacks of tonsillitis.

Heel pain

On starting to walk in the morning or after sitting for some time during the day, there is a severe pain in my left heel, which is better after a few steps. An X Ray report reveals Spur Calcaneum.


Bryonia 30c three times a day for five days and the same repeated under the guidance of a homoeopath would relieve your heel pain.


It started with some dry skin like lesions in the lower limbs and now these patches are all over the body including the scalp which cause itching and irritation, and leave a raw red surface with peeling of skin on scratching. Can I have a remedy?


Psoriasis is characterised by patches of dry, exfoliating skin and the disease can be pushed into an inactive phase with homoeopathic medicine on taking all the symptoms typical to the patient into account.


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