For A Moody And Irritable Child

Our Treatments



HOMEO CALL Solve problems of depression in your children with these simple homeo solutions


Sadness is a natural emotion. One is prone to moods once in a while but when it becomes a habit and transcends into a state of hopelessness, discouragement and despair, it can be termed mental depression. This can strike the young too — even ch ildren from the age of nine are prone to it.

Although depression may not sound very common in children, the age group of 9 to 12 years are crucial as the size of an adult’s brain is achieved then. It is therefore the time for the proper connections of the grey matter which is essential for thinking. Any untoward influence at this age when the brain is busy choosing the necessary neural pathways and discarding the less needed ones can alter the mood of the children; thereby moodiness is more evident.

Moodiness is a part of growing up and children, including adolescents, have their share of swings of emotions. But with the strain of studies and the increasingly stressful environment they are growing up in, gloominess and depression have become increasingly common.

There are several causes for children to get into this state. In this changing world, freedom and permissiveness for children have become the order of the day. Consumerism has changed the lifestyle of the children which insists on their senses to yearn for more. Also, with improved GDP, there is increased mobility, and a rise in the number of both parents working and away from home. The break up of parents is on the rise too.

Children now have access to technology like computers, mobile phones and the internet, which can assail the moods of the young when they are not monitored. The stress to achieve the best results in academics and being driven to study certain subjects, even when their aptitude does not suit those needs, adds more strain on the individual.

But the fact of the matter is that every child in gloom does not necessarily react or exhibit symptoms in the same way. Some children are shy and unhappy and easily moved to tears if forced to answer on issues. Tearful and fearful is their nature and unhappiness about their life and appearance is common. Baryta carb, Pulsatilla and Natrum mur are a few remedies which can bolster their confidence and keep irrational fear away.
Some children are extroverts and throw their weight around. Stubbornness is their mode of expression which transforms into tears and rage on further discontentment. Sullen moods with snappy attitudes towards parents are common. Pessimism is a feature and such children are helped by Chamommilla, Cina and Ranunculus so that they have a better outlook and attitude.

A few children express their sadness like adults, in the sense that they are so weighed down by woe that even small disappointments like losing the top rank in class by a whisker are considered huge failures. Aurum met, Ignatia, and Calc carb induce a sense of balance in such kids.

There are other children who could have faced the worst trauma and can develop inconsolable symptoms which make them sit and sob all the time.

They could develop further mood changes apart from obsessive symptoms like checking doors and locks. Irrational fear becomes common. Such children can be helped with medicines like Stram and Lachesis. Counselling is also the need of the hour.

To calm the troubled waters of the mind, Homoeopathy is the ideal remedy.


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