Getting back to school after vacation


Our Treatments



Many children cope with anxiety and stress at the start of a new academic year.

Embarking on a journey to school at the outset of every academic year is period of anxiety for every child, and it takes a while to calm the butterflies in the stomach. This is true for every child, including the successful and so-called carefree children.

Realising that every child is prone to it will help the parent address the problem rather than avoid the situation if the anxiety deepens into a behavioural problem and starts affecting the child's grades.

Slay the dragons

When school reopens, there is stress and confusion in the child's mind when they either miss their old classmates or even their old teacher, and they are confounded with new portions and how difficult it would be as compared to the previous year. This puts that much more stress on the parent's shoulders to slay the dragons in the little child's mind, by having a patient ear, sympathetic words and a reassuring hug. All the same, there are some other ways to bring the primary school child around with good humour.

They can be told that they are going to meet some of their good friends after a gap of two months . Also, they can make new friends and should be prodded to make the first move to meet their new classmates. Children should also be helped to stock up on stationerybooks and other backpack basics. Doing this shopping a few days before the opening makes them get back into the groove.

Children should also be encouraged to have a good sleep the previous night and a hearty breakfast.

Visiting the school once before the session starts and, if possible, getting in touch with the new class teacher would calm some nerves.

Encouraging the child to talk about daily activities at school will help them open up with their feelings. They should talk about the three best things of the day or the anxiety-provoking events which will help them open up with their fears.

Parents can help with proper coping techniques in case of bullying classmates, etc. It may not be possible to have a solution for a child's problem all the time. but the fact that their fears are expressed and heard will give them the necessary confidence.

For that matter a child crying can be waited for the tears to dry and then cajoled because in itself crying is a stress buster.


In case anxiety persists, homoeopathic medicines always help. Children complaining of abdominal pain at such times is common and can be relieved with Nux vomwhile nausea and vomiting can be helped by Cocculus. Anxiety can be soothed by Arg nit while Gelsemium is a remedy for the under confident child. A depressed child can be helped by.

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