
Our Treatments



Concerned about your child's bedwetting habit, there is remedy.


One of the biggest anxieties a young mother has about her child is when will he or she stop bedwetting. A child's inability to control the impulse to urinate during sleep and passing it involuntarily is called Nocturnal Enuresis or, in layman's term, as bedwetting. It is a matter of social embarrassment for the mother to discuss the various options that would help her child get rid of the habit. Urinary bladder is a muscular bag that expands as it collects urine and contracts after it gets rid of it with the relaxation of the sphincter beneath. When the bladder is full, there is an impulse from the nerves to the brain urging the sphincter to relax. Whether to automatically empty itself or to wait till the person goes to the bathroom is a message that the brain sends to the bladder. It takes till an age of five for this impulse to develop in most children.

But if the impulse doesn't develop still the age of seven and the child continues to bed wet, it is called Nocturnal enuresis. If the problem has always been there, it is called Primary enuresis and if stops for a few months and starts again, it is Secondary enuresis.

Parents who have had such a problem late into their childhood find that their children could suffer from it too.

Anti-diuretic hormone is produced 24 hours in the body, which helps the production of urine. As a normal physiological phenomenon, it is produced in lesser quantity during night. But if the hormone output is the same it stresses the bladder wall and thereby enuresis.

In some children, the capacity of the bladder to hold urine is less and thereby this complaint.

Children who are under stress due to fear of parents or teacher or any mental trauma could also suffer from this condition. In rare cases, it could be due to recurrent urinary tract infections, diabetes or spinal injuries.

Management and treatment

Fluid intake to be reduced a couple of hours before bedtime. Children should be encouraged to void urine before sleep.

Children should be helped to wake up to void urine after about three to four hours of sleep.

Avoiding intake of chocolates that contain caffeine and sodas.

Homoeopathic medicines help by improving the development of bladder musculature by which this problem can be controlled. If the child tends to wet the bed within an hour of sleep, Sepia helps and if it is within two hours, Causticum is the prime remedy. If it is within the first part of sleep, Kreosote helps the child get rid of the habit. If the child tends to pass a few drops while coughing even during daytime, Pulsatilla is of help. But if the cause is not very significant, Equisetum seldom fails. If it is due to worms, Cina is of use. If the problem runs into adolescence Lac caninum gets one through with it.


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