Bronchial Asthma

Our Treatments



Asthma is the condition in which the necessary amount of oxygen does not reach the lung tissues.


Oxygen is the lifeline of our cells and tissues that need it for the kinetic, metabolic activities and is reached to all over the body through the blood. Lungs are the organs that are blessed with the capacity of exchange of gases and providing the oxygen into the blood stream. But the air we breathe in is not necessarily ideal all the time. And to protect ourselves from deteriorating health in general we have an immune system, which rises to the occasion by neutralising the harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi so that the harmony is maintained. But then there are occasions when our immunity responds unwittingly when not needed to and this condition is called allergy and if it happens in the respiratory tract it can cause allergic asthma.

Asthma is the condition in which the necessary amount of oxygen does not reach the lung tissues and the respiratory system has to make an extra effort to procure the same from the environment. The airways or bronchial tubes are lined with muscle fibres that regulate the tightening of the walls and relaxation when required. The expansion helps in the air rushing in through into the lungs and narrowed when it is enough and meanwhile the exchange takes place in the lung tissue. The bronchial muscle spasm also occurs when the body identifies or suspect a foreign substance attempting to find its way into the system. In asthmatics too such a situation occurs when they are exposed to infection, air pollutants and irritants, smoke, strong odours, scented products, physical exertion, cold air, in known patients of reflux disease, sinusitis etc. In all the above situations over a period of time the human body develops a mechanism to stave away the problem by narrowing of the bronchial tubes.

Our airways also have a propensity to produce a flushing of white blood cells through the blood stream to the site of irritation and there is swelling up. This also causes an accumulation of mucus rich in these cells basically to fight the infiltration. It is the above two symptoms which when occur periodically lead to asthma.

Fair enough when the body responds an external harmful agent but in cases of allergic asthma, the pollen, dust, dander or any of the allergens or irritants are taken `seriously' by our system and there is narrowing of lining of airways even while the mucus swells up and clogs the areas. This causes recurrent asthmatic attacks. The episode usually starts with sneezing and a nasal discharge followed by throat irritation and cough. The cough of asthmatic is usually productive and they bring out some phlegm each time and characteristically disturbs their sleep at midnight or the small hours of the morning compelling them to sit up followed by the breathlessness. Since lying down position makes the breathing worse, they spend most of the time sitting with a wheeze.


Ideally abstaining or staying away from the allergens does sound like a solution but it is not practically so as day in and day out the trivial triggers such as dust, soot, smoke or pollen cannot be totally avoided and so is the need for a solution. Homeopathic medicine has good remedies to stave off an acute attack and over a period of time with medication help in leading to a situation wherein the body response does not lead through the allergy-inflammation response into an asthmatic attack. Aspidosperma, Blatta, Carbo veg, Ipecac, Amm. Carb help during an acute attack while constitutional remedies like Sulphur, Calcarea carb, Arsenic, Thuja, Phosphorus, Kali carb, Lachesis, Natrum sulph help the metabolism not overtly respond to allergens and thereby prevent recurrent asthmatic attacks.


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