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If there is blood in the stool and leads to gradual loss of weight and associated with fever it can be a cause for concern

Consuming too much oily food items can lead to diarrhoea

A loose and watery stool is a common occurrence and such episodes could last for a couple of days and happen about twice a year in an individual. It is only when it occurs more frequently and lasts for more than three days; profuse and watery it is a cause for concern and reason for the same needs to be identified.

Diarrhoea or loose motion, as commonly called, is rather a symptom than an ailment or disease as such. It is mostly an expression of an underlying condition or a `revolt' in the body to the eating habit and can be appropriately termed as `stomach upset.'

The various causes of diarrhoea could be infection with bacteria or other organisms that can lead to offensive and profuse stools; eating foods that can upset the digestive system and cause bloating of abdomen, stomach pain and loose bowels; an allergy to certain foods for an individual, which can lead to pain in abdomen; in conditions such as mal absorption where the foods are not properly absorbed and assimilated into the system causing undigested food particles in stool, pain abdomen; crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome where the lining of the intestines gets triggered to move without reason; there is frequent urge for stool, urgency for stool, flatulence and mucus in stool in such conditions; conditions like increased thyroid function; surgery like removal or intestines in certain tumour growths, radiation therapy etc; abuse of laxatives without prescription.

Sensation of heaviness of abdomen after eating a little and urge to pass stool after eating, flatulent distention of abdomen, thin or loose stools, watery stools, urgency to pass stool, nausea and vomiting are the usual symptoms typical of diarrhoea. If the condition continues for more than three days and occurs more than five days it seeks attention. If there is mucus in the stool with undigested particles, blood in the stool and leads to gradual loss of weight and if associated with fever it can be a cause for concern.

There is a loss of water, electrolytes and nutrients from the body leading to dehydration, which needs to be balanced with intake or infusion. It is of imminent necessity in the very young and the old as they have difficulty in replacing lost fluids.

Homoeopathic medicine has good remedies to correct the diarrhoea by treating the cause. Nux vomica, Merc sol, Lycopodium are good to get rid of infections. While Aloes, Podophyllum, Ipecac, Chamomilla and Rheum are helpful in correcting the loose and watery stools. Particular symptoms of the patient in the ones suffering with irritable bowel and Crohn's are considered bringing the autoimmune diseases into an inactive phase. Merc, cor, Sulphur, Argentum nitricum etc. are of profound importance when the cause is such.

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